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Grandma's sewing bag - Mary Opasik

Since the pandemic in 2020 I decided to devote my energy to organizing family heirlooms. At age 71 I had collected a lot of memorabilia over the years. Naturally, I began with my maternal grandmother who lived with us growing up in Baltimore, MD.

My grandmother, Rosina Gross Auner, born in 1888, was a midwife, mother and important member of her community in Hammerstadt (Sibiu) Transylvania. Rosina Auner was the ultimate grandmother who helped with everything and much more at home. My mother’s legal blindness made her incredibly important in our upbringing.

She was a seamstress, baker, nurse, confident and benevolent presence for her four grandchildren. My grandmother sewed all of our clothes and gave me a sense of pride in my appearance.

My memories are mostly of her at her sewing machine always creating something beautiful.

I tried my hand at sewing and embroidery but it wasn’t for me. I am a sculptor now but still am not interested in sewing, but appreciate the craft immensely. As a teenager in the mid 1960’s, I was rebellious and followed the women’s movement. No sewing or staying home for me! I was off to the Summer of Love in 1967. She was very disappointed in me.

My memory was in her bedroom with her hand woven sewing bag with its variety of notions.

She had created this gem in Transylvania and it came to my inheritance after her death in 1967.

I made a homage to her handmade sewing bag and enclosed half of it on gold-colored paper with an antique frame. I exhibited it a couple times and won 3 prizes. It is not for sale.

Perhaps I will make something with the other half in time. I was a registered nurse for 18 years prior to devoting my talents to art. My grandmother was an inspiration to me to be a healer and give to others.


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