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 Njihova tkanja (Their weaves) - A platform for questioning and exchanging women's heritage 

About the project

"Njihova tkanja" is an online platform for the exchange of ideas and thoughts about woman’s self-organisation and woman’s maturing process under given circumstances 

In 2021, six female artists gathered together and spoke on the topic of women’s heritage in order to share what has been happening concerning the aforementioned topic during the COVID – 19 pandemic. They used the accumulated experiences as a fuel to create an online group exhibition that serves as a review of a specific period from a female perspective.

In order to make this review complete, in 2022 they are opening an online platform for the exchange of ideas and thoughts about woman’s self-organisation and woman’s maturing process under given circumstances. The purpose of the platform is to create support in discovering the creativity that we use in our daily lives without being aware of its value.

Countless exceptionally creative women are in a daily battle with the “current” crisis of isolation, exclusion, overburden, standstill, injustice and a disordered system

Each of them has its own methods of navigating through reality. Some methods are passed on from one generation to the next, and some are hard-earned and worth fighting for vigorously. We elevate each of these methods to the extent of them becoming a myth or at least house rules and we nurture them and un/consciously pass them on. 

By exchanging scenes and stories that depict our living habits we celebrate the diversity of the fantastic mechanisms of woman’s self-organisation and resilience! Primarily, we want to contribute to the normalisation of all the states we find ourselves in and all the feelings from which our personal patterns of behaviour grow, encourage reflection on gender in/equality and give space for the current tension to grow into recognition, compassion, tears or laughter. 


Supported by the Republic of Croatia Ministry of Culture and media, SOLIDARNA  and Fond for others, program KRIK - crises and creative.

Ministarstvo kulture i medija RH
Solidarna zaklada za ljudska prava i solidarnost
Fond za druge
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